To direct and coordinate the operations of the Industrial department concerned with the production, pricing, sales etc of industrial projects, overseeing multiple locations. Reviews financial statements, sales, activity reports and other performance data to measure productivity and goal achievement. Determines areas needing cost reduction and program improvement. Establishes and implements departmental policies, goals, objectives and procedures. Oversee the full scope of the Mining projects and engage with current and new clients to secure opportunities to ensure the business unit is sustainable. Monitors business to ensure that they efficiently and effectively provide the needed services while staying within budgetary limits.
Apply online via: O&L Career Portal
- CV = N$ 100.00
- Application Letter = N$ 70.00
- CV + Application Letter = N$ 150.00
- Merging all documents into one (1) PDF File = N$30.00
- LinkedIn Profile Update/Optimization = N$150.00
- Career portals Account SignUp/Online Account Creation = N$ 100.00 per account
- Online Application (On career portals) = N$ 50.00 per post
- Account Sign-up + Online Application (1) = N$130.00
Fee: N$500.00
- CV Revamp
- Two (2) Electronic CV. One (1) PDF and One (1) Word (Editable) (in the USB sticker, (We’ll provide the USB Sticker)).
- Merge all documents to the NEW CV.
- Five (5) Hard Copies (Color)
Phone: +264 81 220 3109
* For your application to standout, you'll need to have a profesional written CV and Application Letter. Contact us on the contact details provided above and we'll help you draft them up.We drafted up some Interview Tips that we believe might be helpful to you WHEN and IF you happen to be called for an Interview. Click Here to browser our Interview Tips